A team of experts in two critical areas: cybersecurity and infrastructure that keep your business up and running


Strategy and tactics for businesses to stay active and protected

We learn your strategic demand to transform it into services and solutions that generate added value.
Your company’s systems protected and monitored
Your operation with no interruptions that lead to damage

Innovation and safety side by side

In an increasingly connected world, productivity and optimization of IT operations are watchwords, as are digital transformation and business system security, which are constant. 

Being strategic and tactical in this environment is essential for businesses to remain active and protected. 

Anticipating evolution requires a trained and highly qualified team to deliver tailor-made projects with added value, which is possible with the best solutions on the market and specialized services. 

For over a decade, Secureway has printed its signature by anticipating trends and reinventing the experience with intelligence and cutting-edge technology in two critical areas for organizations – security and infrastructure 


Three steps of consulting

Identification of risks and vulnerabilities in the corporate environment.

Evaluation of the best solutions to reverse the points and improvements in implementation.

Frequently so that the solutions become constant practices and comply with the law.

Having a security consultancy is the most effective way to protect the information your company holds

Technical failures with pauses, incidents, and attacks can happen unexpectantty or can happen at any time. By hiring a specialized IT consultancy, your company has 24-hour monitoring and guaranteed support in any situation and time of day

The consultancy accurately measures what your business needs in terms of security, IT infrastructure and systems and, depending on the contracted package, all incidents will be covered by services and monitoring.
Business wide view. Creates and implements security policies and rules, advises on best practices and implements the technologies best suited to your needs.

Monitoring backups and possible threats, structuring servers, scheduling periodic always keep software up to date.

Installation of security updates are carried out constantly and in real time, ensuring that they are always ready to identify and combat attacks


Get to know the cutting-edge solutions to cover your company's infrastructure and security

SECUREWAY partner companies


High technology and added value for tailor-made services

More than 850 projects in Brazil and abroad – all carried out in a personalized way to meet specific and critical demands of infrastructure and information security.

Secure remote work with the implementation of remote access via VPN in record time for the administrative and logistic teams

Digital Transformation to keep data secure and infrastructure up and running on busy retail dates

Support growth, connectivity, and performance from a data center modernization, remote access, and visibility program

Deployment of a converged network high-availability infrastructure to secure connectivity for more than two thousand concurrent users

Alta tecnologia e valor agregado para serviços sob medida

Somamos mais de 850 projetos no Brasil e no exterior — todos realizados de forma personalizada para atender demandas específicas e críticas de infraestrutura e segurança da informação.

Home office seguro com a implementação de acessos remotos via VPN em tempo recorde para os times administrativo e de logística

Transformação Digital para manter os dados seguros e a infraestrutura em pleno funcionamento nas datas de maior movimento para o varejo

Suporte ao crescimento, à conectividade e desempenho a partir de um programa de modernização do data center, acesso remoto e visibilidade de todos os ambientes.


Fornecer serviços especializados em infraestrutura de rede e segurança da informação aos clientes.


Ser referência em qualidade e inovação dos serviços especializados prestados aos nossos clientes.


Transparência, ética e profissionalismo, são valores fundamentais para a consolidação de parcerias.


Provide specialized services in network infrastructure and information security to customers.


To be a reference in quality and innovation of specialized services to our customers.


Transparency, ethics and professionalism are fundamental values for the consolidation of partnerships.

Quality Policy

Meet the needs of customers and people impacted by our business, through the search for continuous improvements in our processes and Quality Management System

What our clients say

+850 projects throughout Brazil
Daniel Santos

"The technical and commercial engineering of the Secureway team and the high quality standard of the implemented solutions were essential making the project viable, and completely customized to our needs, objectives and budget".

Daniel Santos

IT Manager at Rihappy
Marcio Borges

"The proximity to Secureway is a great differential. Always available, the professionals provide all the necessary support during and after the implementation with agility and great technical capacity. This type of attention is not something that is found in other companies".

Marcio Borges

Infrastructure Manager at Via
Fernando Bonacordi

"We had an emergency that was quickly resolved. We were satisfied and, as a result, we have already designed a new project, more robust, for the complete modernization of our infrastructure. SecureWay's technical knowledge, support and help are excellent".

Fernando Bonacordi

IT Manager at Quatá

Innovation and security for your company

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