Efficiency and Innovation
SECUREWAY relies on the main global suppliers to add high technology to projects, increasing the availability, flexibility and security of your company’s internal and IT environments.
- 100% of the SW team is trained and certified by partners
- Courses for customer teams
- Periodic update solution
- Combination of tools to suit your business
- Uninterrupted monitoring and management
The best and most modern tools on the world market
It combines cybersecurity with broad IT availability and performance, adds visibility, control and better management of operations.
Responds to today’s IT challenges with endpoint data, giving teams the security and confidence to manage and secure networks.
Protects users, networks and endpoints from ransomware, malware, exploits, phishing and a wide range of other cyberattacks.
Secure network solutions from the edge to the cloud, which uses artificial intelligence and data analysis for visibility, surface and attack control and potentialization of results.
Combines IT infrastructure with user behavior analysis with a focus on hybrid cloud security, network defense, SMB and endpoint security.
Privileged access management, mitigating data breaches related to credential theft, misused privileges and remote access.
Threat and data protection across all environments (physical, cloud or hybrid) with security management, automation and orchestration at scale.
Adds visibility into fraud and external threats across all layers of the web, providing greater security for consumers and employees.
Security management with visibility and control of network security infrastructure, integrating and controlling firewall and hybrid cloud network.
Comprometida com a segurança virtual que combina inteligência com proteção real, eficaz, útil e acessível.
Focada na aceleração da Transformação Digital, atua nas quatro principais prioridades da TI: cyber, nuvem, conformidade e custos.
High technology and added value for tailor-made services
More than 850 projects in Brazil and abroad – all carried out in a personalized way to meet specific and critical demands of infrastructure and information security.
Secure remote work with the implementation of remote access via VPN in record time for the administrative and logistic teams
Digital Transformation to keep data secure and infrastructure up and running on busy retail dates
Support growth, connectivity, and performance from a data center modernization, remote access, and visibility program
Deployment of a converged network high-availability infrastructure to secure connectivity for more than two thousand concurrent users
Alta tecnologia e valor agregado para serviços sob medida
Somamos mais de 850 projetos no Brasil e no exterior — todos realizados de forma personalizada para atender demandas específicas e críticas de infraestrutura e segurança da informação.
Home office seguro com a implementação de acessos remotos via VPN em tempo recorde para os times administrativo e de logística.
Transformação Digital para manter os dados seguros e a infraestrutura em pleno funcionamento nas datas de maior movimento para o varejo.
Suporte ao crescimento, à conectividade e desempenho a partir de um programa de modernização do data center, acesso remoto e visibilidade de todos os ambientes.