Security, advanced technology, and innovation

The combination of tools and human knowledge that delivers customized projects to meet the specific needs of your business.

Complete infrastructure

From small to large, your business is protected and running

Complete infrastructure

From small to large, your business is protected and running



Adds the most modern tools to human knowledge

Your company is safe and in compliance with the law. Protect all critical points of the operation that are potential entry points for cyber attackers, such as email, the business perimeter, and connected devices.

Increase performance and access availability with the analysis of environments and systems, identifying connectivity failures, and designing connection plans to meet the needs of each business.

The digitalization of companies with the best solutions on the market, combine infrastructure and security in personalized projects to meet the specific demands of each business profile.

The cloud as a service integrates IT infrastructure with secure servers to facilitate user access, storage, and information traffic, in addition to meeting other corporate demands. Elevate your company’s connection.

Adapt processes from backup, information storage, and database protection to raise your company’s security level.

SECUREWAY has the ideal solution to meet every infrastructure and security need of your company

What our clients say

+850 projects throughout Brazil
Daniel Santos

"The technical and commercial engineering of the Secureway team and the high quality standard of the implemented solutions were essential making the project viable, and completely customized to our needs, objectives and budget".

Daniel Santos

IT Manager at Rihappy
Marcio Borges

"The proximity to Secureway is a great differential. Always available, the professionals provide all the necessary support during and after the implementation with agility and great technical capacity. This type of attention is not something that is found in other companies".

Marcio Borges

Infrastructure Manager at Via
Fernando Bonacordi

"We had an emergency that was quickly resolved. We were satisfied and, as a result, we have already designed a new project, more robust, for the complete modernization of our infrastructure. SecureWay's technical knowledge, support and help are excellent".

Fernando Bonacordi

IT Manager at Quatá

Innovation and security for your company

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